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Successful UBCO electric bike winner, Brett Woodwiss (left) receives his prize from Tasman Crop Technical Field Representative, Alex Douglas

Flute® fungicide and  UBCO –

a winning combination

Flute is a new innovative fungicide to help grape growers in the battle against powdery mildew. This past 2017/2018 season Etec Crop Solutions partnered a new innovation in transportation, the UBCO 2 X 2 off-road electric bike with its Flute fungicide. All grape growers who purchased Flute had the opportunity to go in to a prize draw to win an UBCO 2 X 2 off-road electric farm bike.  Etec is pleased to announce that Brett Woodwiss who owns Marama Vineyard in Nelson was the successful prize draw winner. Brett is a relatively new grower and produces Sauvignon Blanc grapes for Neudorf Wines and Moutere Hills Wines on his five hectare vineyard in Hope. Brett said “The 2018 season has been a challenging one off the back of some major weather events and the very high rainfall the region received particularly in February. Thanks must go to Alex Douglas and Tasman Crop for their knowledge and experience which has been invaluable throughout the season. Flute has played its part in our overall spray programme and has kept powdery mildew at bay on our block during the course of the season”.


Alex from Tasman Crop who advises Brett with his vineyard and spray programme said “Flute was released at a time when growers were beginning to experience exponential increases in powdery mildew pressure. Despite this increasing pressure, I have found Flute to perform strongly and consistently and will continue to recommend it as a useful option in my grape powdery mildew programs”.


Flute contains cyflufenamid and is from the new ‘Amide’ chemical group which helps growers combat powdery mildew resistance. Pete de Jong from Etec Crop Solutions says “promoting Flutes  new chemical group with the  new technology of an Ubco electric 2 X 2 off-road farm bike has been a winning combination this season”.


® Flute is a trademark of Nisso Chemical Company, Japan.

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